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Only a real and profound knowledge of the subject, the result of years of studying the problems encountered in the field, combined with a well-defined vision of what will be the evolution of technology, can give life to a truly innovative product. An important past therefore, and a continuous projection towards the future, are the elements that give life to the Innova project: the latest generation modular single pass printer.

Innova is first and foremost a basic module consisting of only 4 colour bars: a constructive solution that gives life to a solid and compact structure, technologically advanced, which sacrifices nothing to machine accessibility and ease of use. Technology yes, but within reach.

The Innova series printers are the vanguard of the digital printing industry. The hardware implementations introduced allow the achievement of an extremely precise machine alignment, an essential condition for the production of large sizes.
To complete, a printing software that allows the potential of the machine to be fully expressed: management of Real Time printing, to meet any need in terms of production speed and flexibility, and advanced colour management, essential to fully dominate the production process