Boric acid or borax used as raw materials in the glass and glaze industries. In glasses that require to purity and high quality color is preferred to boric acid and borax are pure. Presence of boron in glass addition to reducing thermal expansion, lead to increase the chemical durability of glass. Boric acid is the very cheap source of boron.
Boron compounds are rarely used as raw materials in glazes, but presence of this material as an ingredient in many frits is useful. During frit making, presence of boron is leading to the formation of glass in the early stages. Borosilicate composition resistance against chemical attacks is good. Glazes containing high amounts of boron are very fluid and quickly be fired. The disadvantage of this type of glaze is easily phase separation. Boron reduces the surface tension of glaze and increases the speed of smoothing glaze surface during firing. Addition of specified amounts of boron to glaze reduce thermal expansion, improve mechanical strength and resistance to scratch. Boron-containing glazes are a good base for colored glaze, which color is created through dissolve transition elements. About addition of boric acid to the frit, it should be noted that the ratio of SiO2/B2O3 is less than 1 to 2. During batches containing boric acid make frit, loss of boric acid through formed water vapor should be assessed.
APA Ceram
APA Ceram Group, in association with the import and supply of chemical materials, which used in the ceramics and tile industries, offers imported boric acid from Turkey with the highest quality.